Our Gunbroker listings: https://www.gunbroker.com/All/search?IncludeSellers=5009954
Operating Address
26227 N73rd. Dr., Peoria, AZ 85383
Operating Hours
Closed all weekends and holidays, otherwise by appointment only
We all know "that guy" that shows up at the range with the cringe-worthy config. They've got too much shit on their gun, and none of it is quality. Celebrate the "jUsT aS gOoD" configs with a little tongue-in-cheek slap-on.
Patches are 3D PVC, with a hook and loop Velcro backing. Backer is included.
As seen on YouTube! Click here for the video:
Our Gunbroker listings: https://www.gunbroker.com/All/search?IncludeSellers=5009954
Operating Hours
Closed all weekends and holidays, otherwise by appointment only